Maria Manuel Lira

Born in 1971 in Lisbon, Portugal

Resides and work in Lisbon


1997 - Graduated in Landscape Architecture in Instituto Superior de Agronomia in Lisbon, Portugal

2003 - Postgraduate in Image and Communication in Instituto de Artes Visuais, Design e Marketing in Lisbon, Portugal.

2021- 2023 - Attendance in “A Base Escola de Artes” in the engraving and printing course since 2021.

2021 - workshop in linogravure with Mariana Duarte Santos in FICA Oficina Criativa.

2022 - workshop in aquatint with crayon guided by Anja Percival in AGAF association, in Lisbon, Portugal.

2023 - workshop guided by Mammi Higuchi, soft ground and Chine Colé in AGAF association, in Lisbon, Portugal.

2024 - Workshop in Carborundum with António Navarro in AGAF association, in Lisbon, Portugal.

2024 - Attendance in artist residency in “A Base Escola de Artes” since 2023

Selected exhibitions:

2022 - colective exhibition in A Base escola de Arte.

2022 - colective exhibition “de volta…” in AGAF, Lisboa, Portugal

2023 - Colective exhibition “ 43rd Mini Print International of Cadaqués.

2023 - Colective exhibition in A Base Escola de Arte.

2023 - Colective exhibition Woolwich Contemporary Print Fair, in London.

2024 - colective exhibition “23 x 23” in AGAF, Lisboa, Portugal.

2024 - colective exhibition “Frenesim” in Lisbon, Portugal

2024 - colective exhibition “Corrente de ar” in Lisbon, Portugal

2024 - colective exhibition “Small but mighty” at Bankside Gallery, London.

Contact Details:


AGAF - Associação de Gravura Água Forte, Portugal




+ 351 919234720